Daily Archives: January 7, 2013

Holy Heatwave

You guys. Today in Sydney, it’s expected to reach about 112 degrees.

Now, I’m no stranger to heat. As a Gamecock, I’ve spent many a summer sweating profusely in humid, famously hot Columbia, S.C. While my college friends and I used to joke that Cola Town sat on top of Hell, at least we had glorious, strong A/C and delicious sweet tea to cool us down.

Here in Australia, it’s unheard of to have central air where you live, and even rarer to have artificial cold air on public transportation (let’s not talk about the absence of sweet tea).

After venturing out at 11 a.m. to gauge the weather today, my roommate Jess described it perfectly – it feels like you’re standing next to a hot truck, but you can’t get away from it.

So how does one stay comfortable in these parts? Well, Jess and I surely must vacate our sauna of an apartment (one dainty fan won’t cut it, and we can’t seem to make ice fast enough in our finger ice trays). Our mission today is to find a pool to post up at (maybe the fancy Icebergs at Bondi?). Luckily the ocean water here is still icy, so the ocean might be in our near future. Although, I’m not sure there’s enough SPF in this world to protect my fair, Polish skin from these rays.

As hot as it is, I’ll take a sweaty January afternoon at the beach any day!